Truck-Mounted Crane Hire

Böcker Crane Truck for Hire

Our truck-mounted cranes are perfect for medium-weight loads such as construction materials, roof trusses, wall cladding, glazing and steel erection. Also known as Böcker cranes, these are versatile, mobile and relatively compact.

The telescopic boom extends hydraulically in two sections to provide additional reach.

Thanks to remote control capabilities, the crane operator can safely position themselves with a clear line of sight between crane and load.

Control each outrigger individually for stable operation in tight spaces. Because the crane is mounted to an 18t truck, it has no counterweight, reducing the space needed for slew.

Lift up to 6000kg

  • Telescopic Boom
  • Remote operation
  • Compact Footprint

Böcker AK 46 Spec & Tech Details

Böcker AK 46 Specification Technical Data
Maximum Payload 6,000kg
Main Boom 38m
Maximum Extension 8m
Max. Outrigger Footprint (w x l) 6.5m x 6.1m
Slewing angle 360°

Böcker AK 52 Spec & Tech Details

Böcker AK 52 Specification Technical Data
Maximum Load 12,000kg
Main Boom 38m
Maximum Extension 16m
Max. Outrigger Footprint (w x l) 6.9m x 6.4m
Slewing angle 360°

Adaptable, Reliable and Strong

Dewsbury & Proud is a firm favourite across the Midlands for safe and reliable crane truck hire. We regularly maintain and inspect our fleet of cranes to provide smooth operation and safety for our customers. We work to the terms of the Construction Plant Hire Association (CPA), so you know you’re in safe hands.

As well as qualified operators, we provide experienced personnel such as lifting supervisors and support staff for hire.







